
As of Nov 2015, Manitoba Bone and Joint Health personnel consist of a president, two incorporating officers, a board of directors, and several associates. Associates are individuals who have been acquainted with the activities of MBJH who are invited to contribute opinion and expertise at  board meetings and activities of MBJH, most notably the Nov 2015 conference “The Aging Musculoskeletal System”.

Most involved with MBJH are volunteers, with nominal salaries for legal and accounting work.
Funds are primarily the residue of a previously registered charitable organization (Manitoba Orthopedic Foundation: MOF), and currently managed by the MBJH board functioning also as a residual MOF board. Most of these funds have been dedicated to the AMS conference, provided by MBJH as a free of charge conference to the health care community and broader society with an interest in a collaborative Bone and Joint Care provincial system. The other financial support is a monthly corporate contribution to help defray ongoing costs of board meetings.

National Associate

Canadian Orthopaedic Foundation


Dr. Douglas Kayler


Orthopedic Surgeons:
Winnipeg, Northern and Central regions: Dr Doug Kayler
Central Region: Dr Jeff Engel
Winnipeg and Central Regions: Dr Hellmuth Muller


Chairman: Mr Wayne Warren
Secretary: Ms Tina Moore
Treasury and Accounting: Ms Linda Stewart
Telemedicine & Northern Affairs Director: Mr Wayne Warren
Nursing and Neurology: Ms Beverley Burton-Guindon
Project Consultant: Mr. Donald Reece
Allied Health: Ms. Rickie Walkden

Provincial Associates

(Colleagues with interest in provincial MBJH/MSK affairs:  consulted  for opinions, projects and meetings)
Anesthesiology: Dr Alex Pandian (Winnipeg)
Rheumatology: Dr Glen Thomson
Occupational Medicine: Dr Brent Thomson
Orthopedic Technologist: Mr Michael Templeton
Surgical Nursing: Ms Terrie Cantin
Sports Medicine: Dr Maureen Kennedy
Website and Communications: Ms Ally Kayler
Family Medicine: Dr Dwayne Hartley (Winnipeg)
Chiropractic: Dr Paul Pritchard (Thompson, Northern Region)
Chiropractic Care: Dr Gregory Kos (Winnipeg)
Podiatry: Dr Martin Colledge
Emergency Medicine: Dr Paul Dowhanik

Corporate Associates

Innovative Medical: Mr Paul Bouchard
DePuy International: Mr Judd Ekdahl
Stryker Corporation: Mr Phil Bloom
Legal Counsel: Mr Ron Ade